Monday, May 21, 2007

Roots of Peoples United Methodist Church
Part 50 Peoples People Involved in Ministry
We have mentioned periodically several names from the Peoples congregation that actively sought to enter the ministry or have become lay speakers who have served in many capacities within the church and in other locations. At Charge Conference in November of 1985 District Superintendent Lynne Josselyn and the body present recognized the pursuit of ministry of Jerry Garthoff and Scott Folsom. The continued pursuit of ministerial study was also recognized for Nancy Tordoff who would return to South Portland after having served as a Christian Education leader at the Methodist Church in Medina, New York. Jerry entered study at Gordon-Conwell Seminary in Wenham, Massachusetts and Nancy had matriculated at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. Both Jerry and Scott after much soul searching did not complete studies. In addition both Earle Harvey and Guy McLellan advanced their work in church activity by completing Lay Speaker courses. Guy spoke at many church services both at Peoples and other churches while being a significant force in other areas of church life at Peoples. Earle spent a number of years actually serving as a Lay Speaker on Long Island in Casco Bay. Both of these men over the years have contributed significantly to the life of Peoples and set examples for others to follow.
At this same charge conference District Superintendent Josselyn presented Bishop Bashore’s evangelistic thrust titled, Catch the Spirit". Under this banner locally the charge for the year was to continue a retirement preparation task force, intensive Bible study through the Bethel Bible Program, an intentional welcoming program, investigate the possibilities of hiring an additional staff member, make full utilization of the new computer and to develop an inventory of all church property. These tasks were assigned to the proper organizations within the church and over the course of the next year many of these goals were carried out.
Neighborhood Ministries not only stayed in contact with church members that may need contact on a regular basis, but the members of this ministry heard from a number of representatives of community agencies. The purpose of learning about these agencies was that it would allow the members of this church organization to have information on where they might suggest the homebound or those who were ill could seek assistance. Pastor Lin honored members of this ministry and that of the Sunday school as well for nurturing members of the congregation.
The Sunday school during this time was presided over by Andrea Hodgkins Harvey. A young woman with many creative ideas, she led a very active staff and children in the study of the Bible. She also was able to enlist adults to assist in a number of musical presentations by the Sunday school. Several Psalty the Song Book productions were held usually at the end of the year and the performances were well attended. At a later time we will present the inclusion of the several full-length play productions that were performed by children of all school ages that were first class in their operation. It was an age when Peoples had an extremely large number of young folks that had outstanding musical talent. Finances of the Sunday school were bolstered through the efforts of Cecelia LaBerge. She was the member of the Sunday school staff that had the idea of a "Crafty Auction". She and others went out to get items that could be bid on and encouraged many of the crafts people of the church to make their specialties and then donate them for sale at the Auction. Hundreds of dollars were raised via this means for several years and made it possible for many of the programs mentioned above or in later episodes to take place.
The proposal for adding another person to staff was given to the Staff-Parish Relations Committee. Pastor Lin suggested that there were a number of gaps in having the church prepared to follow-up especially on visitors and new people to the church. What was developed was a position known as Growth Coordinator who would work in developing and coordinating most Welcome programs and then create new ones.
The holder of the position would also serve on the Neighborhood Ministries, but would not necessarily head the program. The person holding this position would work 20 hours a week and answer to the Pastor. Over the course of time three folks served in this capacity: Nancy Tordoff, Casey Collins and Wanda Stahl-Hodgkins. Those who were to hold the position would need to be committed to Jesus Christ, have strong organizational skills and be open to God’s leading. The creation of this position certainly was looked to be helpful in fulfilling the year’s theme, "Building Bridges". One of the new programs initiated was a pie/plant ministry. When a new person or persons would come to the church and have their names recorded then someone within a short time would visit the home of the new people and give them a freshly baked pie or deliver a plant in the name of Peoples Church.
1985 was also the first year that a Worship Committee was formed. The committee members were all folks that had something to do with Worship operation. The pastor, music leaders, ushers, tract supervisor, greeters were among those that were included as well as others who were members of the congregation, but had particular interest in this area of church operation. One of the first issues that was discussed concerned the amount of noise that seemed to emanate from the back of the church as people were coming to church. Many thought that the sanctuary should be quiet and meditative, but others felt that Peoples should be a warm and friendly welcoming church. The two sides of the issue have led to many suggested changes over the years, but it seems that entrance to the church sanctuary remains a difficulty many years after that discussion.
1985 was also the third year of the Bell Choir that had been organized and founded by Janet Fifield. She had also been the donator of the Bell set in honor of her sister. Mrs. Fifield was the choirs first director and by 1985 there were 17 adults and 9 children who had become members of this program. The Bell Choirs in the early days would play periodically on special occasions such as Christmas Eve and Easter. The choirs also performed at the Phippsburg Community Church, Unity Methodist Church and at the English Bell Ringers Convention in Keene, New Hampshire. For much of that time Cenise MacKinnon served as Bell Choir Steward by securing and maintaining any of the apparatus belonging to the choir. Over the years the choirs have regrouped under the leadership of Marita Gould and Doug Greer.

Many of the names that have been included in not only this edition of Roots, but certainly many from years before are no longer with us, yet the church known as Peoples United Methodist Church continues to serve the immediate and greater community. In doing research for each of these Roots episodes I came across something that I had said in an administrative board meeting in 1986 that I feel is still appropriate to say today.
" We have witnessed as we continually do, and as history records, the births and
deaths upon which a parish should pause and reflect. We search for meaning in
death as we do in life. We find that through religious education and Christian
living that it is all part of God’s marvelous plan for all of us to participate in the
meaning of that plan. God has given us all the ability to learn, to participate, to
share and to care for each other and the world beyond. May the lessons of our
church history and the people who have contributed to it encourage us to
continue in the near and distant future."


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